Una barca accessibile per tutti: premiato il progetto dell’associazione L.I.F.E.

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Living the sea without barriers is the dream of many of us. Because the sea, which with the beauty and richness of its depths makes our island unique, by its very nature has no limits to the fruition of man. Yet, in Sicily, we know it well, it’s not really like that. Especially if we think of the so-called “fragile categories”, the elderly or people with disabilities. In their case, in fact, freely accessing a beach or a boat becomes a difficult, if not downright impossible, undertaking.

Finally, last December, the Entain Foundation decided to reward and finance the project “A sea of ​​opportunities” of the LIFE association, the only association selected in Sicily, for the innovativeness of the activities carried out.

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The Entain Foundation, which has been coordinating and supporting the CSR activities of the Entain Group all over the world since 2019, supports projects from different countries, especially related to sport. In fact, the award was created to support the realities of the third sector and social cooperatives engaged daily in Italy in the development of social inclusion projects, in particular through sporting practice.

In the 2022 edition, 10 projects were awarded, including “A sea of ​​opportunities”.

“The project stems from the desire to break down the architectural, mental and social barriers that affect disability by enhancing the recreational, educational and inclusive power of the sea which, more than any other natural element, makes it possible to make everyone equal – explains Dr. Manuela Farruggio, responsible for the planning area of ​​LIFE – . For 23 years, our association has always carried out activities related to the sea: organization of swimming championships, world diving record for paraplegic and blind subjects, creation of the first underwater archeology tactile path in Italy, various rehabilitation programs in water, promotion of diving courses also for people with disabilities… Now, through this project, we want to create a boat that is accessible at 360 degrees which,

A sea of ​​opportunities  is a project also designed for minors, to encourage their inclusion and healthy use of free time – concludes Martino Florio, president of the LIFE association -. I feel proud and satisfied with the work produced and I thank the Entain Foundation for having believed in our project. Through the recovery and restructuring of a boat, we will give life to an innovative academy, which will be made accessible to all and which will allow the realization of various activities related to the sea: excursions, fishing, diving and much more”.

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